Kent Concurrency Workshop and S-REPLS 15

University of Kent, Canterbury

18‐19 July, 2024

The South of England Regional Programming Language Seminar (S-REPLS) is a regular and informal meeting open to everyone with a professional interest — whether it be academic or commercial — in the semantics and implementation of programming languages. This year it will be jointly held with the Concurrency Workshop which aims to bring together researchers who are working on the theory of concurrency and related areas.

The workshop will be held in LT2 Sibson Building (see Campus Map). Directions to the Canterbury Campus are available here .

Registration for the event is free. Lunch and tea/coffee will be provided thanks to funding from the LIFT Research Center (Languages for Innovation and Future Technologies) at University of Kent and from VeTSS .

Campus Map Register
Important dates:
Submission deadline: 1st July.
Registration deadline: 11th July.

S-REPLS Schedule

Date Time Event
9:30 - 10:00
Coffee and Refreshments
10:00 - 10:05
10:05 - 11:00
Invited Talk
Nicolas Wu (Imperial College London)
Title: Modular Effective Programs (abstract)
11:00 - 11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 - 13:00

Chair: Marco Paviotti
Jesse Sigal (University of Edinburgh)
Title: Algebraic effects with parameters and their handlers (abstract)

Zhixuan Yang (Imperial College London)
Title: A Logical Framework for Locally Cartesian Closed Categories (abstract)

Tori Vollmer (University of Kent)
Title: A Mixed Linear and Graded Logic: Proofs, Terms, and Models (abstract)
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30

Chair: Dominic Orchard
Michael Arntzenius (RelationalAI)
Title: Semantics for Nondeterministic Logic Programming via Mutually Exclusive Choice (abstract)

Jack Liell-Cock (University of Oxford)
Title: Compositional imprecise probability (abstract)

Teodoro Freund (Huawei UK R&D)
Title: CPS or Direct Style? Why not both? (abstract)
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30

Chair: Michael Vollmer
Simon Thompson (University of Kent )
Title: David Turner, 1946–2023 (abstract)

Guillaume Ambal (Imperial College London)
Title: Semantics of Remote Direct Memory Access (abstract)

Matthew Griffin (Imperial College London)
Title: IsaBIL: A Framework for Verifying (In)correctness of Binaries (abstract)

CW Schedule

Date Time Event
9:30 - 10:00
Coffee and Refreshments
10:00 - 11:00
Invited Talk
Peter O'Hearn (University College London and Lacework)
Title: Program Analysis for the People (abstract)
11:00 - 11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 - 13:00

Chair: Stefan Marr
Thomas Fourier (University of Cambridge)
Title: Abstract hardware catches concrete bugs (abstract)

Conrad Watt (University of Cambridge)
Title: Limitations of Concurrency on the Web (abstract)

Cliff Jones (Newcastle University)
Title: Invariants || concurrency (abstract)

13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30

Chair: David Castro-Perez
Luke Geeson (University College London)
Title: Mix Testing: Specifying and Testing ABI Compatibility Of C/C++ Atomics Implementations (abstract)

Vitaly Aksenov (University of London)
Title: Semi-automatic efficient granularity control (abstract)

Burak Ekici (University of London)
Title:Completeness of Asynchronous Session Tree Subtyping in Coq (abstract)
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:00

Chair: David Castro-Perez
Danielle Marshall (University of Glasgow)
Title: Non-Linear Communication via Graded Modal Session Types (abstract)

Jonah Pears (University of Kent)
Title: TOASTER - A Toolchain for Generating Erlang Stubs with Inline Runtime Monitors from Timeout Asynchronous Session Types (abstract)

Call For Talks

Talks are typically 20 minutes and should be given in person with 5 minutes questions. We encourage submissions and contributions from both industry professionals and aspiring researchers (postdocs and students).

Click here to submit a proposal for SREPLS or the Concurrency Workshop.

Please send title and abstract by the end of

Tue, 1st July 2024

Complete the registration form by

Fri, 5th July 2024

Further announcements about the workshop will be made via the Concurrency Working Group and S-REPLS mailing lists. Please subscribe by following those links and clicking Subscribe or Unsubscribe .


Marco Paviotti and David Castro-Perez

Concurrency Workshop Steering Committee
Mark Batty, Mike Dodds, Philippa Gardner, Cliff Jones and Matthew Parkinson
S-REPLS Steering Committee
Dominic Mulligan, Ohad Kammar and Jeremy Yallop


Participants can choose amongst a range of accomodations in nearby hotels. Please find a list of suggested accomodations below, however be mindful that these hotels might be in high demand during the touristic and graduation season. These are approx a 30-45 min walk to campus.

Alternatively we have a high number of reserved rooms in Keynes college within the university's campus (promotion code: cc24).

If you are based in London and choose to commute, Canterbury is just one hour away from London St Pancras International via the the highspeed train, and the university campus is a 35 minutes walk from Canterbury West Station.

Pubs and Restaurants

Breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks will be provided.

There is also a wide variety of restaurants, supermarkets and pubs on campus. Here's the link for a comprehensive list: eat and drink on campus.

For dinner there is a variety of options in town, in particular in the high street.
Here's a non-comprehensive list of places we would like to recommend.


Dining Pubs:
Ale Houses: